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- 1909 I'll Get You Yet Little Girl Starmer Terry Sherman Eleanor Sherman 118 visits
- 1909 I'm Awfully Glad I Met You Jack Drislane Geo W Meyer 98 visits
- 1909 I'm In Love With One Of The Stars from The Man Who Owns Broadway Raymond Hitchcock George M Cohan 84 visits
- 1909 I'm Looking For A Financier from Madame Sherry Lina Abarbanell Otto Hauerbach Karl L Hoschna 85 visits
- 1909 I've Lost My Gal Williams Van Alstyne 115 visits
- 1909 If Ev'ry Star's An Angel Irving A Berndt 87 visits
- 1909 If I Thought You Wouldn't Tell Harry Leybourne Irving Berlin Ted Snyder 51 visits
- 1909 If You've Won The Only One In All The World You Want Ed Gardenier J Fred Helf 113 visits
- 1909 It's A Lovin' Wife For Mine from The Silver Star Adeline Genee Herbert Ingraham 103 visits
- 1909 Jungle Moon Doric Trio C P McDonald Percy Wenrich 87 visits
- 1909 Just To See You Once Again Ben Ritchie 42 visits
- 1909 King Of The Bungaloos Gene Greene Charles Straight 49 visits
- 1909 Laurel Waltz H Clark David H Hawthorne 101 visits
- 1909 Lead Kindly Light Auld Lang Syne J B Dykes 94 visits
- 1909 Look Down Dear Eyes Howard Fisher Boston MA 44 visits
- 1909 Louisiana Lizabeth from The Yankee Girl Blanche Ring George V Hobart Silvio Hein 88 visits
- 1909 Man Who Owns Broadway the Title Song George M Cohan Raymond Hitchcock 42 visits
- 1909 Meadow Brook Chas E Roat Battle Creek MI 90 visits
- 1909 Moon-Bird Bertha Youros J F Dempsey Johann C Schmid 104 visits
- 1909 My Dearest Luella Lockwood Moore Detroit MI 39 visits
- 1909 My Little Home Spun Girl Pearl A Hunt Geo W Stumm Jas R Hurley 93 visits
- 1909 My Little Kangaroo Starmer Anna Driver James Kendis Herman Paley 98 visits
- 1909 Next To Your Mother Who Do You Love Thea Lightner Irving Berlin Ted Snyder 45 visits
- 1909 Nobody Knows Nobody Cares Chas K Harris 67 visits
- 1909 Ogalalla Indian Love Song Mabel Hite Mike Donlin Cincent Bryan Ted Snyder 72 visits
- 1909 Oh What I Know About You Jos H McKeon Harry M Piano W Raymond Walker 91 visits
- 1909 Oh You Blondy Jenkins Harry Harris Arthur Longbrake Ed Edwards 108 visits
- 1909 Oh You Loving Gal Jack Drislane Geo W Meyer 98 visits
- 1909 Old Glory And The GAR R A Carmichel E M Winslow Boston MA 66 visits
- 1909 Overture Of Irish Melodies R L Weaver 41 visits
- 1909 Peri Waltzes Starmer Charles D'Albert 65 visits
- 1909 Prairieland Vincent Bryan Henriette Blanke Belcher 105 visits
- 1909 Roses Reginald De Koven 97 visits
- 1909 Say Boys I've Found A Girl Sue Smith Gus Kahn 102 visits
- 1909 Second Waltz Goddard 99 visits
- 1909 She Made Our Grand Old Flag Ernest S Stafford 95 visits
- 1909 Take A Chance With Me Effie Brooklin Jack Drislane Geo W Meyer 108 visits
- 1909 That Mesmerizing Mendelssohn Tune Mendelssohn Rag Minnie Dreher Irving Berlin 94 visits
- 1909 Two Floral Wreaths Burrows Travis Co Tom Waters J E Dempsey 106 visits
- 1909 U S A Army And Navy Pedaphone Levi Co 79 visits
- 1909 Uncle Sam’s Boys Jerome Hartman Troy NY 89 visits
- 1909 Under The Double Eagle J F Wagner 74 visits
- 1909 Velma Chocolates Black Rag Ernst Otto Davenport IA 100 visits
- 1909 When A Servant Learns A Secret from The Man Who Owns Broadway George M Cohan Raymond Hitchcock 102 visits
- 1909 When The Bloom Is On The Cotton Dixie Lee Gene Buck C M Dennison J Fred Helf 90 visits
- 1909 Where Are The Scenes Of Yesterday Thomas S Allen 78 visits
- 1909 Will You Forgive If I Forget Floyd Crews Kurt P Hirsekorn Gabriel Selig 78 visits
- 1909 You Ain’t Talking To Me Clifford And Burke Mat Marshall Shelton Brooks 61 visits