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1845 Burke County Receipts Estate Joseph Beck -1

1845 Burke County Receipts Estate Joseph Beck -1.jpg 1844 Somerset County Sheriff's Sale Boyce McAlisterThumbnails1851 Lycoming Cummings Twp Sawmill Lawsuit Boswell Arrowsmith Callahan -11844 Somerset County Sheriff's Sale Boyce McAlisterThumbnails1851 Lycoming Cummings Twp Sawmill Lawsuit Boswell Arrowsmith Callahan -11844 Somerset County Sheriff's Sale Boyce McAlisterThumbnails1851 Lycoming Cummings Twp Sawmill Lawsuit Boswell Arrowsmith Callahan -11844 Somerset County Sheriff's Sale Boyce McAlisterThumbnails1851 Lycoming Cummings Twp Sawmill Lawsuit Boswell Arrowsmith Callahan -11844 Somerset County Sheriff's Sale Boyce McAlisterThumbnails1851 Lycoming Cummings Twp Sawmill Lawsuit Boswell Arrowsmith Callahan -11844 Somerset County Sheriff's Sale Boyce McAlisterThumbnails1851 Lycoming Cummings Twp Sawmill Lawsuit Boswell Arrowsmith Callahan -11844 Somerset County Sheriff's Sale Boyce McAlisterThumbnails1851 Lycoming Cummings Twp Sawmill Lawsuit Boswell Arrowsmith Callahan -1

Receipts for money disbursed by E. P. Jones, Clerk and Master in Equity, to heirs of the estate of Joseph Beck - Locations: Burke County

Dates: July and August 1845

Names: Joseph Beck, John Beck, John Shaffler, Cynthia Beck, Alan H. McRae, Joseph Delaf. Beck, Alfred Master, Nicholas Beck


Source: eBay seller genstore [click to see current listings]